Management Problems

Apr 21, 2012 Author Herb

According to Malmegrin (2010), the steps of the management of problems in the public administration, are: ' ' the study of the problem; the taking of decision on the adjusted solution more; the implementation of this solution; the evaluation of the impact of the intervention. But these are changeable ' ' in function of the diversity and the complexity of the problems that occur in the day the day of the management operacional' ' p 106. As seen at previous moments the public administration current this directed toward the search for results. It is of interest of the public administration to show to efficiency and effectiveness in the processes, projects or action that they see to be developed. It is also said in quality, but as the results many times are modified or exactly omitted, being shown only what it interests (for the manager) so that the managed ones believe the good intentions and in the quality of the actions, this quality still is far from being concrete.

Exactly that ours practical public to manage still has much to evolve, the knowledge and the agreement of the concepts and processes of management if make essential. Thus, with the little that already interiorizado on management, already it is possible to relate knowledge. The management of problems can be sufficiently beneficial the public administration, especially in its proactive character? to foresee the problems before they happen, preventing of this form the financial, necessary wastefulness of time and resources for the solution of the problems. Already coming back to cycle PEAC of the Management (planning, execution, evaluation and control), this is basic for the process of management of problems, mainly, when it has a good planning and execution of the actions, therefore it can prevent the problems are accomplished. We can conclude despite a well based strategical planning, generates an efficient cycle PEAC.

Enterprise Management

Apr 19, 2012 Author Herb

Under orientation of the Profa Dra in Psychology of the Education Immaculate Marinalva Cuzin marycuzin@ Summary: The administrative manager of a pertaining to school institution must have conscience of which educative processes had favored currently effective the system educational. The research searchs inside of the pedagogical schools, and its historical construction, to find ramifications of the administrative schools that had elapsed from the industrial revolution, associating them of form to find similarities and parallels between that they had inside constituted and they constitute the thought of the current society of the educational system, considering that the same product of the capitalist system of education became. One is about a qualitative bibliographical research that it searchs to find positive and negative points of this association. Word-key: theories of the education; Pertaining to school management; Theories of the administration; tecnicismo.

Introduction In elapsing of history the pedagogical chains of Brazil had taken different routes, in accordance with the ideology politics that conducted the education, in definitive period of history. We can verify that these constant changes of paradigms and the educational concepts of the country, had become the educational management a primordial factor so that the same one was practised coherently or not. We know that the changes in the society are reflected directly in the educative ideologies and vice it turns. We can verify that with the ascension of the industrial revolution, the education was conducted by the necessities established for the work market, being this directed by the capitalism. From now on we live deeply a series of changes in the educational management having as model the administrative management. The changes in the politics, the implantation of the constitution, and the implantation of the LDB they had brought significant changes for the education in Brazil, that had brought great results, having been these verified in the present time in comparison what it occurred has few decades behind.

Democratic Management

Apr 9, 2012 Author Herb

This scientific research intitled Strategical Management, Democrtica and Participativa in Pertaining to school Institutions: resources of quality in education intend to contribute with the work of the manager of education institution being argued the importance of its functions, not only the restricted ones to the internal environment of the pertaining to school unit, but e, mainly, in the consequences of its action in external environments of the school, considering that it must prepare the pupil with adjusted profile to construct knowledge, abilities, habits, abilities and attitudes necessary to exactly understand itself, to the people encircles that it, to the country and the planet where it lives and to face the challenges of the world of the work and the society contemporary. Search also to contribute so that the pertaining to school manager knows and uses competent strategies for the search of the quality of education, adequacy in the relationship enters the involved people in the educative process, constructs capacities to lead teams, motivating them and stimulating them for the challenges of its practical professional and for the adequate confrontation of its emotions. It is important that it understands that, in an institution of education, all the integrant ones of its structure, since the direction until the support employees, must work with the same objective searching the growth of the school and the personal and professional perfectioning of all the collaborators, conditions essential so that he can offer to its pupils quality education. So that this occurs some resources could be used as: dialogue, interests for collective decisions, will to learn and to teach, to leave to make only the possible one and to search always optimum, among others. In turn, the manager must look for to guarantee motivation, valuation and agreement of all the involved ones, making disgnostic continuous of the institucional reality, searching the causes of detected and alternative difficulties to cure them, preparing and all the people so that they can contribute and collaborate inside for the quality of the work of democratic and participativa management of the institution, what nor always it happens in the pertaining to school units.